I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the computer network system. I am Solinus. I am a multidimensional being and my mission is to help those that I come in contact with on Mother Earth to realize that both she and they have come to a crossroads and it is time to make a choice about negative and positive energies. Many of you have read messages from Kortron and responded. Many more of you have read the conversations, the debates, the bashings going both directions and have remained silent, keeping your opinions to yourselves. This has been my position for quite some time now, but Spirit is now gently prodding me to get involved in a more direct way. Therefore, I wish to make myself known to all of you. I am Kortron's earthbound ground (much to his frustration some times as he has a tendency to be "other worldly" - much to my frustration). Rather than become a "computer widow" I now join forces with Kortron on another level. In doing so I am merely extending the role that I accepted three years ago when we came out of the closet and began actively seeking to communicate with other Lightworkers. It began very simply with the publication of the Orvotron Bimonthly Newsletter which I edit and publish. As projects have a tendency to do however, the newsletter grew both in length and distribution. No longer were we just communicating with our Family of Light but others who were on a spiritual path attempting to understand their purpose for being on Earth at this time became interested in our work. With the creation of Spirit BBS we began to reach a worldwide audience and through the gathering and exchanging of information our network has expanded at a phenomenal rate. At the same time a 39' x 39' wooden pyramid was being constructed on our property. It is being built entirely by love donations from our subscribers and supporters because they have discerned for themselves that the building is a necessary element in the transformation of Earth and her inhabitants. It is a building built for love, by love. It is a receiver/transmitter of the love vibration which will eventually bring Heaven to Earth or Earth to Heaven - either perspective is correct. The point is it is happening and there is nothing that you, the negative ET's or the dark forces operating to keep you under their control can do about it. One can choose to resist the vibration, the energy of love, and suffer the consequences of that decision, or one can choose to blend with it, to become it. Our message is that simple. Kortron, as you may have noticed, has a tendency to go off on tangents when he is attempting to answer questions or communicate his truth. This is natural as ALL IS ONE, all is interconnected and one subject leads to another. I am especially aware that Kortron does this since I live with him, listen to his conversations with others and edit his input in the newsletter. Since he is an ET the English language, both spoken and written, are sometimes difficult for him to use to get across his ideas; afterall telepathy is the only means of communication used where he is from. So my job as his ground is to interpret alien into English, to make it a little more understandable and perhaps a little more palatable by adding light and love here and there. His heart is in the right place. He definately works for The Source, the One Creator, but he is a Tron (Metatron) and therefore blunt, matter of fact and a little abrasive at times, as we all can be. But let's admit it folks, he has gotten your attention. He has made you consider and think about life as you know it from a different perspective. His goal is to have you operate from and focus on the Big Picture, not the Little Picture of your individual, often mundane lives. One truth I have learned from him is that adopting the larger perspective as a base of operation has put the smaller picture of my own life naturally in its place, in the right perspective. My personal woes and concerns have become secondary to those of the planet, the galaxies, the universes and as I become more open to the myriad of possibilities, I learn that anything is possible. You will hear more from me as I have now joined Kortron and others in the effort to awaken the seekers who use the computer echo systems to communicate about UFO's, governmental controls and ET's - the good, the bad and the ugly. With that I now send you the March/April, 1993, Orvotron Bimonthly Newsletter. My sincere hope is that you too will accept the Love Vibration and become one with LOVE. I Am That I AM. With Love in The Light, Solinus ORVOTRON, BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER March/April, 1993 Greetings Ascending Star People. During the two months since our last newsletter things have accelerated to the point that we are now in what I call PHASE TWO of Earth's ascension. This statement should be good news to those who have waited so long for the completion of our combined Earth mission to be on the horizon. In many ways this experience has been a supreme test of our patience, inner strength and ability to adapt. This has created many wonderful opportunities for learning. The fact that we are present on Earth in a time of change from a negative to a positive reality will result in our achieving much soul growth. This is being imprinted in our very beings and will serve us well in the future as we continue our service to the One Creator in similar transitions. Some Lightworkers have already awakened and are now moving through the maze of negative programming, rising above it as positive entities to join with others in the creation of Heaven on Earth. Many, however, are still engrossed in the illusion due to the use of "mind control" on Earth, the trap we were warned about prior to volunteering and entering Earth's influence. It has been estimated that only about six percent of the world's population have the ability to "think" or clearly perceive the real situation. These souls are caught up in repetitious, staged dramas of little value which are unrelated to what is really taking place. This has been frustrating to the Lightworkers since these souls could not perceive truth or see things as clearly as we do. Mind control has their attention and focus on what doesn't really exist. Mind control of the masses has been carefully orchestrated by the dark forces and has been recorded in history for many bloody centuries. Some examples would be the French Revolution, the Spanish Inquisition and the Dark Ages. We have been programmed since birth to accept a false reality which directs the flow of individual energy and personal power to a few who are in control of the many. In a variety of ways this is designed to keep your focus and attention away from any possibility of seeing the reality of what they are actually doing. All this is based on lies creating any illusion those in power wish to perpetrate. These diversions are then repeated to us by the media they control and are simply programmed into our minds as a reality which is staged to hold our focus. This is also the method and means used to prevent us from detecting we have become a controlled, fear based society and which prevents us from creating a world based on love. The souls caught up in this great deception believe they are informed, protected and free but in actuality they are puppets of forces who play mind games and pull their strings. The controllers know that a herd mentality produced through mind control techniques is much easier to manipulate, control and police. Any behavior which is different can be easily detected. Those who can resist the programing, see the truth and attempt to unveil others are quickly discerned, degraded and even eliminated if necessary. When systematic programming of the masses began the controls were based on a fixed consciousness so a basic fear of change was easy to implement. Early use of programming started to erode as a faster magnetic pulse entered Earth's magnetic field beginning in the 1960's to bring in higher a consciousness based on love. New and more extreme methods of mind control were then needed as consciousness became harder to control. Mass hypnosis, subliminals, mind altering drugs, food and water passive additives which were already in use could not offset the naturally rising consciousness. Early experiments in microwave technology revealed a way to transmit information directly into the brain to influence thought patterns. Thus, a more subversive method could now be used to induce negative, fear based programming. The old adage "Divide and Conquer" was then applied to alienate and separate neighbor from neighbor so that any group endeavor could not be easily accomplished. If by chance it did occur it was closely monitored or in some cases destroyed. We will call this "direct programming" because it can be implemented whenever and wherever necessary through the use of ground devices or satellites. Unbeknownst to those targeted, large blocks of information can now be transferred to any individual or large group in any staging area to produce a completely different than normal mind set. Microwave Programming has come of age and is being used to corrupt the thinking of the world's population and to alter or offset Earth's changing consciousness in these individuals. As Earth moves into the uncharted seas of the higher frequency of fifth dimensional consciousness those in control of microwave technology now simply match the shifts of consciousness by boosting the power to the transmitters. Rather than seeking a safer way for the individuals effected, safety was thrown to the four winds. In their way of thinking many brain dead people would be much less threatening than dealing with a world of awakened, thinking people who could see through the controls and become aware of what is really going on. After two decades of microwave use and experimentation scientists now estimate that only six percent of the targeted population are able to think clearly. To make matters worse, the many high voltage lines crisscrossing the world are destroying the ozone layer at the poles and are slowly altering the magnetic field around Earth. Large doses of increased microwave use are further enhancing the effect. On top of that the frequencies coming in from outside Earth's atmosphere are also changing things. The protective shield that has encapsulated Earth and kept her quarantined from the rest of the universes is now being removed and soon will be completely lifted. This means that much that was previously veiled from the inhabitants of this planet can no longer be hidden and will soon be discernible, understood and revealed to many. You might say this is a second opportunity, and in most cases the last, to wake up and make a free will choice to join Earth as she ascends to Mansion World Reality. None of this is taking place without a biological effect on all life forms. Certain organs within the human body are already not accepting the changes in Earth's magnetic fields. We have received reports that many are having their gall bladders removed and in the future this may effect other organs as well. At some point Earth must be evacuated for a short time until the establishment of the correct pulse and flux is achieved. If cooperation is achieved during Phase Two this will go off smoothly and life will be returned to the surface when it is once again safe. The removal of the protective shield is being done for two reasons: The first is that the electromagnetic field of Earth cannot advance through the next stages of activation surrounded by an encapsulating shell. Lifting the protective shield will increase the energy needed to repair the electromagnetic field damaged by high voltage power lines and microwave transmissions. Without this energy work being done for the transition the reaction will not be as intended. Instead a condenser effect or surge would be created that could not blend with the solar system patterning that is now rising to be in harmony with all other creation universes. The second reason is that the Earth must be further opened to the light energies that are now approaching. These energies will divide the negative and positive realities into two separate groups and eventually eliminate the negative aspect. This statement also refers to those entities who are now approaching and who will leave shortly thereafter. To further understand what I am saying here meditate on this statement: Nothing Is Ever Wasted In the Universes. By their own choice some will come and some will go on Earth. These will be effected by choices which are fixed, in transition or already changed. PLANETARY CONJUNCTIONS ARE CREATING THE WAVE OF CHANGE IN '93 The first of three conjunctions this year of Uranus and Neptune occurred in early February. These conjunctions will release a galactic tidal wave of light to enable the planet and her inhabitants to cross into the higher frequency modulation of a different density. It is important that we recognize and blend with this energy rather than resist or attempt to manipulate it. Those who succeed in reaching a higher state of consciousness bef before major Earth cleansing begins will be faced with a most difficult decision - the releasing of emotional attachments to loved ones who refuse to see the changes we know are coming. Their own refusal to accept this eventuality is hindering their attraction to it and causing them to loose their ability to become a part of it. We must each allow a much higher reality to occur through our individual intent and our group focus. We must resist the temptation to intervene in another's free will choice nor should we attempt to control the Earth changes that have been set in motion and must now occur. It is becoming increasingly more important that we seek council before we endeavor to lessen or alter any changes as this could create much harsher outcomes than necessary in the long run. Trusting in the higher order of things now must replace our individual desire to stop the needed changes. In other words, NATURE KNOWS BEST in what is about to occur. We must understand in a more compassionate way that the end justifies the means. It is far better to embrace change in total acceptance and love for the planet and all life as the correct means to enable the Earth to be born into fifth dimensional reality. Earth will not be destroyed nor will all life. Death is birth and birth is a journey forward into a new experience called life. We are all Spirits as is the planet. Beyond third dimensional reality there is NO concept of death at all, there is only transition. If we, as a group, can reach a common ground in our understanding we will accomplish more together to assist the birthing of a new reality on Earth. More good can arise through a group endeavor than by random acts done alone. We must understand that the Wheel of Life cleanses itself through natural laws in accordance to the Divine Plan. If you are awake enough to understand that you can create change, then it is better to focus these abilities on evolving a world built on unconditional love than to attempt to use this power to alter the coming Earth changes. In my walk here I have watched from the sidelines as situations transpired which at times were really hard for me to bare witness to or restrain from getting involved in. I knew that the end result would be better if I did not intervene although at the time one side of me wanted to get involved. Upon reflection after the fact I realized that the result was as inner guidance reflected it would be and this resulted in some beautiful lessons in discernment and following my inner guidance. In these cases my intervention would have altered the outcomes if I had blindly raced to prevent what appeared on the surface to be a disaster. By allowing the changes to occur in a natural way the result was far better than my interference could have possibly created. This further strengthened my love of the Divine Plan. Earth too has her freedom of choice and we must recognize and accept this. She has her place in the Divine Plan and is a conscious participant fully aware of the necessity for her actions. Peace and Love, Kortron THE TEAM EFFORT In mid February we made a nine day trip to Florida while Sundance held the fort here on Stone Mountain. It was a working vacation as we touched base with earth relatives as well as many brothers and sisters from the stars. The main emphasis of our talks with these people was the need to pull together in a more tightly knit fashion lending support whenever and however possible. Our concern is not just the linking together of those we are presently networking, but the joining of the efforts of the Pleiadians, the earth based Ashtar Command, those from Sirius and Arcturus, etc. We are all here for the same purpose - to create Heaven on Earth by awakening as many souls as possible to a love based reality - but thus far the various groups appear to be working separately rather than in a group effort. We have plans to seek answers to specific questions regarding the group aspect coming together from the Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak. We were pleased to attend one of Barbara's sessions in early February in which the Pleiadians spoke about the Uranus/Neptune conjunctions and we feel we made some important connections within the group attending this meeting. We left doors open for a two way exchange in the future. Our presentations to the groups in Florida revolved around channelings from Ashtar through Tom H. Smith, whom we introduced to you in our January/February, 1993 newsletter. He has been instrumental as a bridge of communication between Orvotron and the Ashtar Command above since we do not personally channel Ashtar. Tom received word from Ashtar that he is now a designated spokesperson for planet Earth for The Confederation of Planets. This is a great honor and we feel because of his giving, loving heart that he is the right person for this important job. Channels come and go but few hold to the task or accept the commitment. We have felt for a long time that this position needed to be filled in order for the necessary exchanges to take place and for the development of a common ground in task and deed to bring this world out of darkness into vibrant love and light. It is hoped that Tom will fulfill this role as he channels several other entities who are involved in the Earth mission. The following five sections are the channelings from Ashtar to Tom H. Smith which we presented to others while we were in Florida. We feel it is important to include this information as it answers questions posed by many who wish to understand the role of the Metatrons in the Earth mission, the significance of Orvotron and what each of us can do to contribute to the successful completion of our combined Earth mission. We hope that you will find this information not only interesting but helpful as you move forward in your awakening process and are inspired to learn more about your personal role in our mutual effort to create Heaven on Earth. THE INTERGALACTIC COUNSEL AND THE METATRONS Long ago in Earth time-space terms, it was decided by a hierarchy of universal overseers to establish a group or committee-type structure that would, in turn, oversee the development of the planet Earth and its inhabitants. The make up of this group would be essentially the same as that of the hierarchical committee. That is, it would consist of representatives of all the different worlds somewhat adjacent to the universe in which the Earth existed, as well as a selection from other universes. In this way there would be participants who were most familiar with many of the local issues of this universe, as well as those who could bring in their own world experiences and also learn from this one. This group was given the name of Intergalactic Counsel. It was constituted as a true counsel of different worlds, with the primary focus on matters concerning the Earth and surrounding planets and dimensions. As "time" went on and the war lords took control of planet Earth, it was decided that there was a need for another group whose function was to be almost exclusively focused on the Earth and her inhabitants, primarily the humans. The Earth also requested this. This group "reported" to the Intergalactic Counsel. Remember you are dealing with mostly light beings, but all were beings of love. Consequently, those who served in the respective positions did not need to be told to report to anyone, as we all serve out of true love. But the various missions and responsibilities were so vast that it was necessary to have someone "in charge" of the different organizational levels to coordinate these activities. So another counsel was established, what many are now referring to as a "command" and very specifi- cally the "Ashtar Command" at the present time. It was not always Ashtar's command. At one time Sananda was in the approximate position I am in now. For those who do not know, Sananda and Christ are the same energy. This has been a very summarized version of how the Intergalactic Counsel and Ashtar's command came about. Ashtar is a member of the Intergalactic Counsel, as is Sananda and others with my command. We work at the ultimate direction of the One Creator, although the One Creator rarely is directly involved with us for Its own reasons. But we do function with the blessing and assistance at times of the One Creator. I will add that the Creator is becoming more involved as the time for the Great Harvest of Souls is nearing. It is our goal to serve in love and to serve as a single voice of information to those on the Earth and surrounding planets. We are love. We are light. Even so, there are no absolutes. We have difficulties of our own communicating and coordinating. Since there are essentially an infinite number of factors and energies at work in the "global" situations, it is difficult to assure that all involved will be functioning at the optimal level. In your terms we have had some failures. But we have learned from these as well. The largest obstacles to overcome have not been the dark forces as such, but the results upon humankind of the work of those dark forces. They have in effect manipulated and controlled the human species almost to the point of "no return". Of course this can and is being changed, even as I speak. This is some of the general background to bring us current. There is far more to say concerning the make up of the Counsel membership, such as specific roles and members. That is a topic for another time. There are publications available for those who are interested in more details on the Counsel and the command. The Counsel made a decision at a point in "time" to call on the assistance of the Metatrons. We felt that the Trons had the exact kind of experience and know-how to work with the probable energies that we anticipated to be emanating from the Earth's inhabitants. The Metatrons were more than willing to assist, as they are of love and light. As each of the other represented races are unique with their own history and characteristics, so too are the Metatrons. They are indeed from a mature universe that had already evolved through many of the same situations as are occurring within this one, including Earth. So we had that "expertise" to call on. This is not a story about the Metatrons, either, but one designed to give a special flavor of the possible roles of the Trons. Many of those called into service to the Intergalactic Counsel were warriors. Their knowledge and skills were needed by the Earth as well as the Counsel. Yet the warriors created their own unique opportunities. They did not have the human history experience that many of the other races had. This meant that they would have some difficulty adjusting to the human situations. But, as they agreed to do it, they are expected to proceed and participate as any others in the flesh, subject to all of the same physical and universal laws. So this brings us very quickly to now. The Intergalactic Counsel and the Ashtar Command are fully supportive of each other and each element within the respective groups. Although each functions as an independent energy, we are all of the One and therefore are one. There is a tremendous need to communicate at our level and at the Earth level. This is absolutely essential for the successful completion of the Earth mission. One of the major functions of the Trons is to assist in realigning the energy grids of the Earth, at all levels. They also have other responsibilities, including countering the activities to the dark forces and governmental roles, at least to the extent these roles interfere with the Earth mission. At our level, we are in constant communications with the Metatron overseers, those who are working very directly with their own beings on the planet. Orvotron is a location that is involved with the energy alignments I mentioned previously. It is equally important for those on the ground to communicate not only with the Tron overseers, but also all others on the Earth who have any role whatsoever in the Earth mission. Much of the communications is direct, others will be indirect. Orvotron is very important, but it is not to exist in a vacuum. It is to be supported by all those at our level and on the Earth plane. It in turn is to support all others. It is not to exist for its own sake, but for the benefit of the planet. And it is indeed of much benefit. I and those in my command are totally aware of its importance. Orvotron is an integral part to the success of the mission, as are practically all the other elements. We support the Metatrons and work very closely with them. We are all as one. I hope this answers the concerns of Kortron. I am always ready to respond to his and others needs and concerns. It is of equal importance that Kortron recognize the roles of those he deals with. To be successful, there are no mutually exclusive roles. Support is needed by each who has agreed to this most important mission on the planet Earth. KORTRON, ORVOTRON AND WORKING TOGETHER AS ONE Kortron has many concerns as he tries very hard to link all the different aspects of the ET connections, as well as other related areas of spirituality. There is no difference between spiritual development and us space friends. We are all you, you are us. We are all one. So it is in the view of oneness that I suggest that each of you is on a unique path. All of your paths ultimately lead to the One. When all people can be heard as a single voice, a single collection of energies, the affect on your individual worlds and on the planet Earth would be beyond your wildest imagination. Regardless of your individual paths, it is best when there is a link of energies. Each of you is unique. At the same time you speak and hear many of the same messages. We do not tell you which messages you must listen to. This is your choice. But I and all those on whose behalf I speak at this time, encourage all those who are of the light to work together and do not be in competition with one another. When you are of the light, you are of love. When you are of love, you allow each to be who they are and you agree to serve in a manner that enhances your own growth and that of the whole. All roles are of equal importance, as you are all equal to all others in the universe. Each has chosen their own path to claim this so. It is a claim to each of us and to the One Creator that you have agreed to assist in your own specific and special way. This is why you are here at this time. When each does a part, we all benefit. There are indeed what may appear to be more important events or circumstances than others. This is not entirely true, as I have said you are all equal. Yet there are certain events or locations that are extremely important for the success of the Earth mission. There are different physical locations throughout the planet that are key areas of energy and focus. As each of those on the light path awakens, you will become aware of these and why they are so important. Of equal importance is the spiritual support that these centers need, including support of those who have agreed to coordinate the different activities. It is not necessary for each of you to totally understand the significance of all of this, or even accept it as your truth at this time. At a point you will begin to know what most of these centers are about. But it is important for each who truly claims to be on the path of light, to allow the various energy centers the freedom to expand. It is important that each support in some form the spiritual growth of the whole. You do this of course by honoring yourself with love. I have been asked to specifically speak of the work Kortron and others around him are doing. It is important that all those on the path link together to create the greatest possible fields of energy. It is important to work together in all aspects of spirituality. It is important to support each other and to communicate that support and information. Kortron for one has much love and information to share. He is a guardian of a most sacred place on this planet. It does not belong to him. It belongs to all of you. It belongs to the Earth. But Kortron has a most difficult task as, he has agreed to help direct the paths of light to a large portion of the Earth. He has agreed to deal with the skepticism of many of those who do not believe he is who he claims to be. He has agreed to the difficult task of provid- ing a most important energy link of people, of those who are willing to join as one to support this center in concert with their own path. There is a location referred to as Orvotron that contains a very high energy vortex. This vortex remained inactive until Kortron was led to this area. He then activated the energy fields that were waiting for this time. Of course Kortron did this with the help of the space friends. But he was the ground level activator and it was necessary for him to be present to prepare the area and to remain as guardian and protector of the site. Most do not know that Kortron has had to ward off the intrusions of the negative forces as they have become aware of the existence and purpose of this particular vortex. The negative energies have "assaulted" this area and Kortron with everything from direct attacks on his well being, to quasi-military interventions, and even with the infiltration of their own agents. To date Kortron has recognized each effort, and has successfully repelled the energies directed towards him. It is to his credit as a warrior, and that of his Metatron family and others, that he has been so successful in maintaining the light focus on the mountain. This part of his task would be much easier with the link of other light energies around him. It is not necessary that others even need to be physically there, or physically living in the area. It is by each light worker's intent to link with this powerful and beautiful energy, that is most beneficial. This is not to suggest that there is no benefit for people of like mindedness to physically locate there. Indeed, it is intended as a light workers community and gathering place, as well as a location for those who wish a permanent residence. With more energies to link there in the physical, it will be a stronger, more unified energy field. The Earth has selected this area as one of the highest energy areas on her surface. There are more wonderful things in store for this site, but it is best to not speak of these at this time. Each who is drawn to this location out of love and service will become aware of all this is to occur. There is much information available on the energy vortex that Kortron is the guardian of. It is located in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. He is always pleased to share his knowledge and wisdom. It is not the only energy center, but it is very important for the balance of the planet. It is indeed a place where the human energies can gather as one, and enhance even more the natural light of this region. So it is with this background that the need for all to be as one in love and light should be more apparent. Kortron and Solinus will remain and enjoy the beautiful energies of the mountains, and endure the negative attacks by the dark forces, as long as we and the One Creator asks them to do so. But their tasks, and indeed all of humankind's, can be much easier with the joining of loving energies for the common goal of helping the Earth and each other. I encourage each one of you to become aware of your oneness with all and with the ALL. When you are truly at peace with the One, you will have no difficulty accepting the loving light of all those around you. You will then be willing to link your energy and love with all others, your knowing with all who wish to know, and your support for all those on the path, even if a different path than your own. So I offer these words at this time, as many of you must learn to work through your own ego and see how equal each is to you and you to them. Share your love. Share your common goals of spiritual growth. Take charge of yourself and do not be concerned with taking charge of others. Be as one. MESSAGES ON KORTRON'S NAME, UNIVERSE AND THE ATECH'S This is Ashtar. I have heard your request for information on behalf of Kortron and I am pleased to respond. I am honored to do so for you. I know all of those whom Kortron visits on his ships. I know them quite well. Xonephia is the name of the planet from which Kortron originated. The name of the universe and where it is located is not important to anything happening now, period. However, the planet is in another dimension and is not "visible" from this one. In terms of distance, it is some 1,000 light years from here. But keep in mind it is in another dimension, so you cannot get from here to there by traveling 1,000 light years. It is necessary to traverse 2 dimensions, and then travel that great distance. You have been there during your travels as a light being. This is how you first met the Kortron energy. There is a name for his universe, but it has no name that can be interpreted in your Earth language, any of them. His planet is located approximately 1 million miles from his central sun. This is all that I can give on it at the present time. There is a race of reptilians who are of the light, the ones Kortron referred to as Atech. Actually there are more than a single group of reptilians who are of the light. There are others who are now working towards the light but who have much to do to correct their balance of love. They have agreed to do this and are well aware it will take a long time in your terms. The Atechs are a race who have almost completed their return to the light. These are indeed working with the light forces. They do not wish to be seen in the physical on Earth, as they are aware of certain confusion in the future. People will be unable to distinguish the "good" from the "bad" reptilians. Of course those with discernment would be able to . But it could cause too much confusion. So they will remain in the background. However, they have agreed to a very specific role as advisors in different capacities. They occupy a small planet near Orion, but separate from Orion. There are not great numbers of them. However more will be joining them as they open to the light. A MESSAGE TO LIGHT WORKERS To our friends from other countries and indeed to those of the entire planet Earth, I and all of us in the spirit realm do thank you for undertaking your missions on earth. It is only through each and everyone of you that the positive energies of all of you can be spread and come together as one. This not only helps others, but primarily helps yourself and the Earth. Do not be of the mind that you have this gigantic objective to deal with. Rather view your own individual roles as equal and as important as all others. Then consider how you can best learn to love yourself. This may sound like a strange message coming from an ET at a time like this, at least to some. But it is in loving and knowing yourself that you then can know and love the One Creator of us all. It is in knowing and loving yourself that you can truly come in touch with your total beingness including your higher self. It is in knowing and loving yourself that you spread your light to all others. When we are all one, we are all love. After this there is nothing else. So this is my main message to each of you. But I also have other things to say. If you listen to any of my words, listen to what I have just said. Through love, love of self, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. While each of you learns to overcome your own programming to self love, there are other things to keep in mind. While love of self is the most important love you can have, it is absolutely essential that you learn and know the meaning of true self manifestation - creating your own reality. With the knowledge of manifestation, you will be able to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING. I have already spoken of the subject in a general way in another channeling through Tom, so you may wish to read that. This will enable me to move on to another message. I encourage every human on this planet to have total comfort and confidence in knowing how you can create your own reality. This is so very important for you in the near future. Every time someone awakens and begins to feel good about teaching others, there always exists the potential of different perspectives of the same truths. In fact this pleases us, as it is good to have many views of similar beliefs. It gives each the opportunity to better understand and accept, or reject, these teachings. Often what may accompany one teacher or group of like minds is the idea that others might tie into and even accept their position, often at the exclusion of others teachings. These ego situations are what many humans are still seeking to overcome. I encourage each of you to keep in mind that the Earth mission, the mission sanctioned by the One Creator, can only be successful when there is love, understanding and acceptance between such groups. You must learn to accept each other and even encourage the flexibility that others may know more than to you about some things. But no one knows all things, so each of you is an important link to the light work. You will also find as you search on your path, that your own knowledge will be opened to areas and energies you did not even know existed. You may have had a focus on or be used to a certain spirit energy. You may have begun to believe that is the most important speaker from the One. Remember, we are all equal, you and I and all of our space and spirit brethren. So be open to all positive channelings and teachings of information. One of these is our brother Kortron. He has a mission, just as each of you do. His mission as a Metatron requires the love and cooperation of many people, as should he be the same way towards others. I encourage you to listen to his words, and to support the message of love and cooperation he will speak of. Then go within and determine how you may be able to support his mission in conjunction with your own. He too must support yours. This he will do with the successful completion of his own and in other ways he is asked to do. CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY: KNOW YOUR OWN MANIFESTATION POWER, AND SOON The Earth and her inhabitants are not as you may seem. In one sense you are an illusion. I say one sense as all forms of thought create illusions, at least from your physical perspective. This may sound like double talk, but it is really an attempt to give a simple explanation for your basic premise of existences. It is not my intent to confuse in this matter, so I will not dwell on it further. Since each of you can feel the physical around you, you are thinking it is very real, very solid. It certainly is that, for this perspective of you. But there are many other probable selves, some in physical reality similar to this one, and others in a non solid form. But they are all of you and they are all real and they are all illusions, from different perspectives. It is the firm belief by most of you that what you see, feel and hear are absolute, beyond a doubt, the way you and everything around you is. Because of your programmed beliefs, it is difficult that you could imagine other existences occurring at this very instant, all around you as well as throughout the universe. But this is true. It is difficult for many of you to believe these words are coming from anyone other than the person or alter ego of Tom, unless of course someone else is writing it in his name. Many cannot comprehend that words and information outside of Tom or any other instrument are real and not made up. Yet each of you is capable of seeing, feeling and hearing the other dimensions and realities I previously spoke of. You are each capable, but by the mere fact you do not believe it so, therefore you are not. It all relates to your ability to create your own reality. It does not matter how esoteric or physical you wish to be, "to be" you must create it. This "in fact" is what you are and what is all around you. You have created it directly or participated with others to create it. When you participate with others to create things, it is called a collective creation or a result of a larger mass consciousness. Because most of you have chosen the experience to forget or block your true spiritual self, you have also blocked your conscious awareness of exactly how it is you create all these things around you. It is not always important to have a conscious recall of everything you create. In fact, this would actually get in your way, as you would be thinking and analyzing so much that you would cease to be creating. But I tell you this as it is extraordinarily valuable for you to KNOW how you create everything that is around you. It is the most powerful aspect of your existence. It is self empowerment personified. The Creative Source of us all has very clearly and deliberately created this individual aspect of each of us so we may have the complete and maximum experiences we desire. While it is best that you do not continuously and deliberately think about creating your own reality, it is nevertheless of extreme importance that you KNOW how to do this. It is of extreme importance that you know and realize from the conscious, to the deep subconscious, that you have the ability to create everything there is about you, and in fact you do it. It is of the same extreme importance that you KNOW you can and do create all this is around your world. It is important that you know you have and ARE creating your wars, your crimes, your political systems, your hunger, your beautiful weather, your happy times as groups, and all of it. It is all as a result of mass beliefs or mass consciousness. It is ALL A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUAL BUT SIMILAR THOUGHTS AND DESIRES - ALL OF IT. Most of you will flat out deny this. You will say it is God's will, or it is a result of chance circumstances. Even for those who might entertain the possibility that what I say is true, you will wonder why you would create so much negativity. Simple. You have allowed yourselves to be programmed to think or not to think a certain way. Do not doubt for an instant the total power of mass programming, or mass marketing, or mass brainwashing. But you each agree to it. You have simply forgotten over time that this is what you are doing. But you are responsible regardless. Think for a moment of the possible ways you can be programmed to believe a certain way. For instance, look at the endless ways you are programmed from your TV. You are told that if you do not take a certain flu shot, you will get a cold or the flu. So you take these to "prevent" the symptoms. You may also be told day in and day out about how much better one brand of cigarettes or automobiles is over another. This influences your shopping habits more than you could imagine. The list of media programming is indeed endless. It is used to your detriment and your benefit. It helps you create a certain mind set which is a thought form, which in turn may correspond to the creation of individual or mass realities. You say you have free will. This is true. But perhaps you do not exercise it so freely, as you are swayed by the media programming just mentioned. It is all done very subtly. It is not done TO you. It is done BY you. Let us expand our examples or possibilities. If I were totally convinced a certain belief of mine was so important for each to believe as well, I might be able to devise a method to teach you, to convince you of the same belief. If I am tremendously successful over a long period of time, I could even broadcast the belief far and wide. Then thousands or even millions might believe the same way. From this, mass realities are created. Look at your clothes fashions - perfect example. This is true of EVERYTHING about your private and public existences. Religion is another perfect example, although most might argue this might be a positive example of creation, unless of course you didn't want it forced on you. Your style of politics is a reflection of your mass beliefs, even the corruption within it. You create it and you allow it to continue. It is yours, period! I could spend hours giving more obvious and some not so obvious examples of creating your own reality. The point is, each does it, including we space friends. We all do it. But you say, "How do I do it? It is a function of the energy fields at your "disposal". It is in how you learn to manipulate the energies at the different levels. There are many very good publications that may enlighten you. But it is not necessary to know all the details to be able to do it. In fact you didn't even know you were doing it, but you were doing it anyway. What is so important is you can learn to very deliberately create whatever it is you wish, be it physical or non physical. If you are not careful, you can very deliberately create a negative event or situation for yourself. Caution is advised. The near future is a time when it is in the greatest interest of humanity to totally understand the ability and consequences of creating your own reality. There are some very trying, chaotic and ultimately beautiful times in store for all those on this planet. The sooner each of you becomes aware of your true empowerment, the better prepared you will be. The quicker each can master your own ability to create, in a deliberate way, your own reality, the quicker you will be able to meet the challenges head on and work through them in the most desired way. Ashtar, of The Ashtar Command. (Let us add a final note here. It is always good when verification comes from many different levels. It is even more productive when many factions meet and join in a common goal. Think what a grand event it will be when separation of countries and peoples is replaced with a unified body of love. That time is close and I applaud all who have joined in this effort.) SUBSCRIPTION AND LOG-ON INFORMATION We are pleased to send a "Love Copy" of the most current newsletter to anyone you think will be interested. Just pass your friend's name and address on to us and we will mail out the issue compliments of you. Back issues contain much information which is still relevant and may provide some clarity on subjects discussed in subsequent newsletters. They may be obtained for $5.00 per issue. Love donations (which should be made payable to Judith A. Wells) are greatly appreciated and go to Spirit's work to create Heaven on Earth. A subscription also entitles you to log-on the Spirit Bulletin Board Service, a computer/modem (telephone link up) system which includes a message section called Star-Link for the exclusive use of Star People. You may access this information by calling via computer 1-704-297-5973 or through Email 1:379/703. For a year's subscription (six bimonthly issues) and user status on Spirit BBS please send $30.00 (U.S.) or $40.00 (all other countries) in U.S. funds only (International Money Orders or bank check in U.S. currency are accepted. No cash, please!) made payable to: Judith A. Wells Route 2, Box 309B Vilas, NC 28692 (704) 297-2342 -- Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Don.Allen@p3.f2112.n2430.z1.FIDONET.ORG ======================================================================